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信息来源: 本站原创 发布日期: 2014-03-03浏览次数:


孙小银,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,美国杜克大学(Duke University)访问学者。





E-mailxiaoyin-sky@163.com; Xiaoyin_sun@qfnu.edu.cn.












(1) 山东省自然科学基金(面上项目),南四湖流域地表水农药污染对土地利用及其景观格局的响应机制研究,2022.01-2024.12,主持,在研.

(2) 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),农业流域降雨径流过程典型除草剂及其转化产物迁移特征与机理研究:以白马河流域为例,2015.01-2018.12,主持,结题.

(3) 教育部人文社科一般项目(青年项目),基于InVEST模型的南四湖流域生态系统服务空间格局及其对土地利用变化的响应研究,2014.7-2019.7,主持,结题.

(4) 山东省高校科技计划,生物炭对土壤-植物系统杀虫剂毒死蜱生物有效性的影响机制研究,2013.10-2016.10,主持,结题.

(5) 山东省中青年科学家奖励基金,生物炭改良剂对设施菜地土壤典型杀虫剂吡虫啉的影响和调控机理研究,2013.7-2015.7,主持,结题.



1Xiaoyin Sun, Qixing Zhou*, Yingying Wang, Wenjie Ren. Influence of hydro-geomorphology, land-use and riparian zone characteristics on herbicide occurrence and distribution in sediments in Songhua River Basin, northeastern China. Geoderma, 2013, 1942:56–164. IF 6.114SCI一区

2 Xiaoyin Sun, Qixing Zhou*, Wenjie Ren. Herbicide occurrence in riparian soils and its transporting risk in the Songhua River Basin, China. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2013, 3310: 777-785. IF 5.832SCI一区

3 Xiaoyin Sun*, Ruifeng Shan, Xuhui Li, et al. Characterization of 60 types of Chinese biomass waste and resultant biochars in terms of their candidacy for soil application. Global change biology bioenergy,2017,9: 1423-1435. IF 4.745SCI小类一区

4 Xiaoyin Sun*, Ruifeng Shan, Fei Liu. Spatio-temporal quantification of patterns, trade-offs and synergies among multiple hydrological ecosystem services in different topographic basins. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 268.IF 9.297SCI一区

5 Xiaoyin Sun*, Dunyu Ye, Ruifeng Shan, Qin Peng, Zhongqiang, Zhao, Jiayao Sun. Effect of physical geographic and socioeconomic processes on interactions among ecosystem services based on machine learning. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 359.IF 9.297SCI一区

6 Xiaoyin Sun*, Zhai Jiang, Fei Liu, Dazhi Zhang. Monitoring spatio-temporal dynamics of habitat quality in Nansihu Lake basin, eastern China, from 1980 to 2015. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 102, 716-723.IF 4.229SCI二区

7 Wencui Cong, Xiaoyin Sun*, Hongwei Guo, Ruifeng Shan. Comparison of the SWAT and InVEST models to determine hydrological ecosystem service spatial patterns, priorities and trade-offs in a complex basin. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 112. IF 4.229SCI二区 

8 Xiaoyin Sun, Qixing Zhou*, Wenjie Ren, et al. Spatial and temporal distribution of acetochlor in sediments and riparian soils of the Songhua River Basin in northeastern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011, 2310:1684–1690.IF 4.302SCI三区

9 Zhai Jiang, Xiaoyin Sun*, Liu, Fei Liu, Shan, Ruifeng Shan, Wenjing Zhang. Spatio-temporal variation of land use and ecosystem service values and their impact factors in an urbanized agricultural basin since the reform and opening of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment201912191. IF 1.903SCI四区

10 Xiaoyin Sun*, Fei Liu, Ruifeng Shan, Fan, Yuna Fan. Spatiotemporal distributions of Cu, Zn, metribuzin, atrazine, and their transformation products in the surface water of a small plain stream in eastern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment20197191.  IF 1.903SCI四区

11 孙小银,周启星*. 中国水生态分区初探. 环境科学学报.2010, 30 2  : 415- 423.

12 孙小银,周启星*,于宏兵,孟伟. 中美生态分区及其分级体系比较研究. 生态学报201030 11 : 3010—3017.

13、郭洪伟, 孙小银, 廉丽姝, 张大智, 徐燕. 基于CLUE-SInVEST模型的南四湖流域生态系统产水功能对土地利用变化的响应. 应用生态学报, 2016279: 2899-2906.

14孙小银, 郭洪伟, 廉丽姝,. 南四湖流域产水量空间格局与驱动因素分析. 自然资源学报, 2017, 324: 669-679.

15 徐燕, 孙小银*, 张大智,等. 1980—2015年南四湖流域景观格局及其脆弱性. 应用生态学报, 2018, 292: 635-642.

16 张大智, 孙小银*, 袁兴中, . 南四湖流域1980-2015年土地利用变化及其对流域生境质量的影响. 湖泊科学, 2018, 30 2 : 349-357. EI

17 徐燕,孙小银*,刘飞,樊玉娜,蒋斋. 基于SWAT模型的泗河流域除草剂迁移模拟研究.中国环境科学,2018. 3810):3959~3966.EI

18 张文静,孙小银*,周俊. 南四湖流域关键生态系统服务的时空权衡关系. 生态学报.20214120:8003-8015.